Monday, March 30, 2009


Earthquakes hit in California and Alaska
A minor earthquake has struck the Westland of California's Bay Area, leaving many residents talking but nothing damaged. No injuries were reported after an earthquake struck San Jose, California and the Bay area, weighing in at a light 4.3 magnitude tremor. According to Geologists, the epicenter of the earthquake was near Morgan Hill, Calif. The time was Monday, March 30, 2009, at 10:40 AM local time. No damages have been reported. Several large earthquakes have rocked Southern Alaska. The U.S. Geological Survey reports the first of five quakes in the same general area hit at 7:42 p.m. local time last night.The preliminary magnitude was 4.6, the epicenter was 58 miles south-southeast of Old Harbor which is just south of Kodiak. The second quake was far milder at 3.9 and hit at 8:28 p.m. Less than three hours later, at 11:13 p.m. the whopper hit. The USGS says the preliminary measurement was 5.7 and then, a half hour later a magnitude 3.9 grinder was felt in the same area. No damage and no injuries have been reported. Meanwhile, Alaska's Mount Redoubt volcano was the center of 18 volcanic eruptions last week, several of those came Saturday throwing a massive cloud of ash into the sky. The ash can be extremely harmful to jet engines. As a result, Alaska Airlines was forced to cancel all flights in and out of Anchorage Saturday. Flights were resumed late Sunday.
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