Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Study Claims Naltrexone Can Aid Kleptomaniacs
Reuters India reporting out of New York states that there is a drug, naltrexone that can help people who have kleptomania. According to the report, kleptomania shares properties with other obsessive-compulsive behaviors such as substance abuse, repeated "wrong" behaviors with the inability to control them and excesses. The study that was done that brought this information to the fore was an eight-week clinical trial by Dr. John Grant and colleagues at the University of Minnesota. In the study 25 participants with a history of kleptomania were given either 116.7 milligrams of naltrexone per day or a placebo. The people who took the naltrexone had a significant reduction in their urges as well as a reduction in depression and anxiety. The belief is that opiates govern the brain's feeling system. Kleptomania is the irresistible urge to steal things of little or no value that a person doesn't really need. It is a serious illness and can even get a person put in jail not to mention problems within the family. After giving into the urge to steal the person feels guilty and has great remorse. I am sure this is difficult for the "normal" person to understand. It is not hard for me to understand at all. I have manic depression. Manic depression is also a cyclical illness. You have an "urge" which can also be called mania and then guilt comes from an irresponsible action's results. Some people lose family and fortunes. Thanks to a wonderful family I have been lucky. Here is a stunt I pulled: When I was about 40-years-old I wanted to do something with my three sons so we would have "togetherness." Rather than do something sane I decided we would raise gerbils and wholesale them.
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