Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rolling Thunder PalinWill Be 'Riding as Equal' Following Sarah Palin’s bus tour Motorcycle Riders Praise Palin Motorcylce Rally Hosts Uneasy About Palin's Presence Lord Help Us All Bus Tour Kicks Off This Weekend Indicating A Presidential Run kicks off nationwide Every Day I Get In the Queue Bob Dylan in China a simple twist of fate to Launch Nationwide stays hot beats Heat for fifth straight win AllAmerican Road Trip Watch Is 'Starbucks Girl' The Newly Unearthed Best Worst Song/Video Since 'Friday'

Motorcycle group expresses frustration that Palin media coverage threatens to overshadow focus on troops * **Palin Set to Launch Bus Tour** * **VIDEO: Palin Hits the Road** * **Possible GOP Contenders Eye Presidential Race** * **VIDEO: Will They Run?** We're following former Alaska governor **Sarah Palin**'s bus tour through the Northeast, a trip that has renewed speculation about her presidential ambitions. Details on the tour are still hazy. As of Friday afternoon, all Palin has said is that she will travel from the Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally in Washington, D.C. on Sunday through New England, visiting "our nation's rich historical sites." The trip will include a stop on Friday in New Hampshire, a state Palin has not visited since 2008. She also plans to visit the Civil War battlefields at Gettysburg and Antietam and the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. Read full article >> Rolling Thunder riders praise Palin's participation in rally but worry about politics. Rolling Thunder said the former governor's plans have distracted from the message about POW-MIAs and veterans The GOP had better get it together! Sarah "Moose Shooter" Palin is "going rogue" and making her way across America on a bus tour along the East Coast starting Memorial Day weekend. This raises more speculation that she is, indeed, Sarah Palin kicks off her nationwide bus tour on Sunday in Washington at the Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally. Today in Palin news: Sarah Palin is launching a nationwide bus tour starting Sunday in Washington, a Palin source has confirmed to POLITICO. The first stop will be at the annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally. Palin will then travel up the East Coast in a trip that will include her first stop in New Hampshire [...] Days after arrest of dissident artist Ai Weiwei, singer who became synonymous with protest movement plays Beijing In China, irony is usually just around the next corner. In the week that Ai Weiwei, the artist and activist, was arrested, Bob Dylan was allowed in to play Beijing. Nobody knows for certain why either decision was taken – but that didn't bother the 6,000 people who filed into the Workers' Stadium Arena last night to hear the grandfather of the protest song play his first gig in the land that brooks no dissent. Dylan gigs are famously variable: songs are often transformed beyond recognition. Last night, however, he was singing to the culture ministry's tune: the concert was performed "strictly according to an approved programme", a sign of official nervousness that has persisted since Björk's 2008 Shanghai concert, when she chanted "Tibet! Tibet!" while singing her song Declare Independence. That outburst resulted in a dearth of big-name performers in China. Apart from Beyoncé in late 2009 and Usher in July 2010, they have mostly been B-list acts. Last year, Dylan himself was refused permission to play. Why the change of heart? One former culture minister told the Guardian it ... After news about a film about the former governor, it's yet another indication that she plans to run for president in 2012 What a great combination: Sarah Palin and Rolling Thunder. Memorial Day in Washington, D.C. sounds like it will be a blast. The event is the kick-off for a cross-country bus tour. The Palin family will hit the northeastern corridor first, on a route that will take them to "historical sites that were key to the [...] Avril Lavigne associate Evan Taubenfeld gives Rebecca Black a run for the money with "Starbucks Girl," newly unearthed after it's been percolating for a year. (Pun intended.) It's born to be viral, indeed… Or, to quote the lyrics from another Taubenfeld opus: "It's like Twisted Sister meets Mister Mister/It's like Rolling Thunder meets a Careless Whisper…" America, world, you have been warned… Read and comment. From
Key Words: rolling thunder
